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KelasMateMatika@CC Graduation Ceremony 2021
482 families were presented with a certificate at the KelasMateMatika@CC (KMM@CC) Graduation Ceremony 2021 held virtually earlier today. The certificates were presented to families who have successfully completed the KMM@CC and eKMM programme between October 2020 and April 2021. The programme aims to equip parents with skills to mediate their child’s learning in basic numeracy concepts.
KMM@CC is a flagship programme piloted in 2018 under M³ – the collaborative initiative between three key Malay/Muslim organisations: MENDAKI, the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) and the People’s Association Malay Activity Executive Committees Council (MESRA). The synergy and efforts between the M3 agencies as well as support from grassroots organisations such as the Community Club Management Committees, Malay Activity Executive Committees (MAECs) and Mosques allowed for the expansion of KMM@CC to locations across all M3@Towns.
The event was graced by Associate Professor Dr Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Minister of State for Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of National Development. In his opening address, he applauded parents for taking steps to be equipped with the knowledge to be their child’s first teacher, nurturer and partner in their learning and development. He said, “KMM is one of the initiatives that MENDAKI has introduced under M3 to support and empower you in this area, and to also deepen the family bond through the activities in class and at home. I believe that strengthening familial ties can help shape and provide the support a growing child needs to be their best self.” He also called on parents to enrol their children early in preschool so that they may receive and benefit from at least three years of preschool education. This would be beneficial to children to further strengthen their foundation in literacy and math and be ready for Primary 1.
This year, for the period of January to April 2021, a total of 31 runs of KMM@CC and eKMM were successfully conducted, benefitting 1,641 parents and children. First introduced in August 2020, eKMM continues to run to ensure the programme remains accessible to parents despite the ongoing COVID-19 measures.
KMM@CC and eKMM is open to families with preschool children aged 4 to 6 years old. For more information on the programme and to register for classes in 2021, click here.