We are pleased to announce that MENDAKI has been given the opportunity to conduct Friday Mosque Collection on 16 August 2024.
We humbly hope you can support us by donating to our donation cans carried by our volunteers at Mosques all over Singapore on that day.
The annual donation drive is to raise funds for the Education Trust Fund (ETF). The Education Trust Fund or ETF is a community-driven fund that supports the education needs of children from disadvantaged Malay/Muslim families to ensure that every child gets the resources to succeed in school.
The objective is to provide financial assistance to children from low-income Malay/Muslim families so that no child would be denied the opportunity to get a head start in schools.
ETF subsidies spanned from Primary 1 to Secondary 5 students to tertiary students. To further support students in their educational pursuit, students who received ETF subsidies are offered academic support in a form of free tuition under the MENDAKI Tuition Scheme (MTS) or the Collaborative Tuition Programme (CTP). In 2017, ETF provides additional assistance to Malay Muslim students enrolled in Big Hearts Student Care Centre to defray the cost of monthly fee and programme fees.
With your help, we hope to raise $2 million yearly for this cause.
May Allah increase your blessings for donating towards the Education Trust Fund.
If you wish to donate online, you may do so via this link: https://www.giving.sg/donate/campaign/giftadream2024