
Education Subsidies
Study Loans
Scholarships, Awards & Sponsorships
GIC-MENDAKI Scholarship

In partnership with MENDAKI and Singapore’s universities, NUS, NTU and SMU – the GIC-MENDAKI Scholarship is a strategic tripartite scholarship for Malay youths in Singapore.

This scholarship provides you the freedom to choose from a diverse range of courses to study at NUS, NTU or SMU. Through structured internships, job rotations, networking, and mentorship, you will be guided and supported to maximise and reach your full potential.


Who Is This For?

We are looking for Singaporean Malay/Muslim students with good academic results, strong critical thinking, creativity and leadership qualities, a sense of curiosity, willingness to learn, and CCA/NS records or external involvement in community service. 

Apply now on Impress AI


Career Aspirations

Our scholarship provides you the freedom to choose from a diverse range of courses to study at NUS, NTU or SMU. We believe that hiring people across disciplines cultivates a diversity of perspectives for GIC to thrive.


Learning Opportunities

You will be provided with a nurturing environment to develop your potential. This would include structured internships and graduate programmes, job rotations, networking opportunities and mentorship. The scholarship coverage includes tuition fees, monthly living allowance, overseas exchange programmes and finance-related seminars.



  • Singaporean Malay/Muslim student who are keen to pursue a career in the finance industry
  • Good academic results
  • Strong critical thinking, creativity and leadership qualities


Bond Period

  • 3 years 


Fields of Study

All disciplines excluding Medicine and Dentistry.


Scholarship Coverage

  • All tuition and compulsory fees
  • Monthly living allowance
  • Provision for a range of learning opportunities, including Overseas Exchange Programmes, Summer Schools and Finance-Related Seminars
  • Upon graduation as a GIC-MENDAKI Scholar, you will join the GIC Professionals Programme (GPP)



What are the critical criteria for a GIC-MENDAKI Scholarship Applicant?

At GIC, we value qualities such as intellectual curiosity, interpersonal skills, leadership, problem-solving and decision-making skills.

Are there specific undergraduate courses GIC looks out for or requires?

At GIC, we firmly believe the diversity of perspectives, experiences and ideas are vital to thriving performance. We see education as a training of the mind and self. Our scholars come from a wide range of fields, including but not limited to Economics, Engineering, Sciences, and Arts.

Are there limited places for scholarships each year?

There is no set limit to scholarship placements each year. Reviews and acceptance are dependent on the suitability of our candidates.

Is a perfect academic score crucial to becoming a GIC-MENDAKI Scholar?

Excellent academic and co-curricular records are essential, but perfect scores are unnecessary. We review your candidacy holistically and comprehensively, beyond scores and results.

Do I need excellent knowledge of finance/investment-related terms to be selected?

Interest and understanding in Finance, though helpful, is not necessary. There will be opportunities provided to equip you with the skills through boot camps, structured internships etc.

How relevant must my university course of study be to my everyday work? Will it enable me or limit me later in my career? 

Our people come from a variety of backgrounds spanning Economics and Finance, the Sciences, Engineering, Computing and Law. The focus is less on your pre-requisite knowledge and more on your mental agility in picking up and adapting to new things quickly. There may be a steeper learning curve at the beginning should your course not have any touchpoints with Finance. We encourage all our scholars to explore and gain exposure to Finance and Investing, both within and outside of their academic courses.

What will my career progression be at GIC? 

GIC invests globally in more than 40 countries with ten global offices. Our scholars can look forward to job rotations and overseas posting opportunities in your time at GIC, depending on your interest, contributions and business needs.

How many rounds of interviews are there? What’s the set-up at each interview? 

Candidates will have different experiences. In general, candidates will go through a combination of online assessments, interviews and activity-based assessments. You will also meet with senior management in the final panel interview.

What advice do you have for those exploring their scholarship options? 

We encourage students to consider the type of career they see themselves in when choosing a scholarship. Find out as much as possible about the organisation to guide your decision.



Please visit BrightSparks for more information.

For any enquiries, email us at [email protected]g.












Browse Programmes

MENDAKI – MICRON Scholarship

Introduced in 2024, the MENDAKI – MICRON scholarship intends to reward deserving Malay/Muslim students who…

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MENDAKI Talent Scholarship (University)

The MENDAKI Talent Scholarship (University) is looking for talented, young Malay/Muslim students with…

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School Assistance Scheme (SAS)

School Assistance Scheme (SAS) is a one-off education subsidy provided for Malay/Muslims students…

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Education Trust Fund - Mohamedally Sithawalla Bursary

Introduced in June 2023, the bursary supports deserving Malay/Muslim students, prioritising those from financially disadvantaged families, enrolled in Institutes of Technical Education (ITE) and Polytechnics.

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Education Trust Fund - Abdullah Bursary

The scheme was introduced in February 2023 to support deserving Muslim students who are enrolled in the Institutes of Technical Education (ITEs) in Singapore.

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Harun Ghani Education Fund (HGEF)

The Harun Ghani Education Fund (HGEF) was set up in 2005 to honour the late Mr Harun Ghani’s contributions to prevent drug abuse and rehabilitate drug offenders in Singapore.

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MENDAKI-Muis Preschool Grant (MMPG)

MMPG is targeted to low-income families with children below 6 years old who are enrolled in preschool…

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Education Trust Fund – Siddiqui Assistance Scheme Bursary

The scheme was introduced in March 2020.  It is to support deserving Muslim students, prioritising those from financially disadvantaged families…

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Education Trust Fund – Ramalah Amat Bursary

The scheme was introduced in April 2022 to support deserving Muslim students…

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Education Trust Fund – Jamae Kalvi Bursary

The scheme was introduced in February 2022. It is to support and encourage deserving Muslim students…

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Education Trust Fund – Gafoor PropNex Bursary

The scheme was introduced in December 2021. It is to support and encourage deserving Malay/Muslim students…

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Education Trust Fund – The Saleh and Gato Motiwalla Bursary

The scheme was introduced in January 2022. It is to support and encourage deserving Malay/Muslim students…

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Education Trust Fund – Amran Mohd Bursary

The scheme was introduced in January 2022. It is to support deserving Malay/Muslim students…

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Education Trust Fund – Bazul Ashhab Bursary

The scheme was introduced in August 2021. It is to support and encourage deserving Malay/Muslim students…

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Education Trust Fund – Barakath Bursary

The scheme was introduced in August 2021.  It is to support deserving Muslim students, prioritising those from financially disadvantaged families

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Study Loan Full Time (Local Private, NAFA, LASALLE)

Pinjaman tanpa faedah ini dibuka kepada semua pelajar beragama Islam.Kuantum pembayaran semula kekal rendah dan…

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Study Loan Full-Time (Local National)

The interest-free loans are available for all Muslim students.  The repayment quantum is kept low and increases with time in keeping with the…

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Education Trust Fund – Global Radiance Group Assistance Scheme (TETA & TNTA Programmes Bursary)

The scheme was introduced in March 2020.  It is to support deserving Muslim students, prioritising those from financially disadvantaged families…

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Education Trust Fund - Nomanbhoy Bursary

Diperkenalkan pada bulan September 2020, Dermasiswa ETF-Nomanbhoy berhasrat untuk menyokong pelajar Muslim yang layak dari keluarga yang kurang berpendapatan…

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SM Jaleel Foundation – Education Trust Fund Assistance Scheme (Bursary)

The scheme was introduced in August 2019 in an effort to encourage students to continue to excel in their studies…

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MENDAKI - Bitsmedia Scholarship

The scheme was introduced in April 2022 to support and encourage Malay/Muslim students…

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GIC-MENDAKI Scholarship

In partnership with MENDAKI and Singapore’s universities, NUS, NTU and SMU – the GIC-MENDAKI Scholarship …

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MENDAKI - MIRXES Scholarship

The scheme was introduced in October 2021. It is to support deserving Malay/Muslim students…

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MENDAKI - Gafoor PropNex Scholarship

The scheme was introduced in December 2021. It is to support and encourage deserving Malay/Muslim students…

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MENDAKI - The Saleh and Gato Motiwalla Scholarship

The scheme was introduced in January 2022 to reward deserving Malay/Muslim students…

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SM Jaleel Foundation – Education Trust Fund Assistance Scheme Scholarship

Biasiswa ini diperkenalkan pada Ogos 2019 untuk menggalak para pelajar terus mengekalkan prestasi pengajian…


Biasiswa ini diperkenalkan pada Ogos 2019 untuk menggalak para pelajar terus mengekalkan prestasi pengajian…

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Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce Foundation - Education Trust Fund (SCCCF - ETF) Scholarship

The objective of the scholarship is to reward top Muslim Singaporeans or Singapore PR students who will be pursuing…

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MENDAKI Scholarship - Polytechnic

The scholarship was introduced in 1995. It aims to reward students wishing to pursue courses at any of the local…

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MENDAKI Scholarship (University)

The scholarship was introduced in 1995.  It aims to reward top students who had performed exceptionally well at…

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Special Malay Bursary (Polytechnic)

Before 1995, the Public Service Commission (PSC) administered the Special Malay Bursary (SMB) for Malay students…

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Special Malay Bursary (University)

Before 1995, the Public Service Commission (PSC) administered the Special Malay Bursary (SMB) for Malay students…

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Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS)

(TTFS) scheme, introduced in 1991, is an education subsidy for Malay students, which covers their tuition fees at tertiary institutions…

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Supplementary Assistance Loan Scheme (SAS)

The Supplementary Assistance Loan Scheme (SAS) is aimed at uplifting the educational performance of the Malay Community…

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Study Loan Part-Time Diploma

The interest-free loans are available for all Muslim students.  The repayment quantum is kept low and increases

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Study Loan Part-Time Degree

The interest-free loans are available for all Muslim students.  The repayment quantum is kept low…

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Study Loan Full-Time Degree (Overseas)

The interest-free loans are available for all Muslim students. The repayment quantum is kept low and increases with time…

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MENDAKI – Dr Jai Prashanth Rao Scholarship

The scholarship was introduced in December 2016. The objective of the scholarship is to encourage…

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MENDAKI - Dr Abdul Aziz Ali Scholarship

The scholarship was introduced in October 2006. It aims to alleviate the financial hardship…

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MENDAKI-Merchant Scholarship

The scholarship was introduced in August 2006. The objective of the scholarship is to encourage students to continue to do…

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MENDAKI - Institution of Engineers Singapore (MENDAKI-IES) Scholarship (Engineering)

This scholarship was introduced in 1985. Application is by nomination…

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MENDAKI-Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (MENDAKI-ISCA) Scholarship (Accounting)

The Scholarship was introduced in 1987…

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Singapore Airlines - MENDAKI Undergraduate Scholarship

Singapore Airlines’ undergraduate scholarship scheme was started in 1977, with the objective of identifying and recruiting talent

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Anugerah Belia Cemerlang MENDAKI

Anugerah Belia Cemerlang MENDAKI aims to inspire the community towards embracing lifelong learning and support youths in…

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Special Achievement Award for Excellence (Non-Academic)

The award is to honour students who have done exceptionally well in the non-academic field. It aims to recognise…

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Skills Training Loan

The MENDAKI Skills Training Loan Scheme is aimed at providing interest-free loans to Malay/Muslim workers to upgrade…

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