A fresh new school term is here!
As we get our enthusiasm raring for the new semester, here are 5 tips for you to get your momentum going for school!
1. Positive vibes
A new term means a fresh start!
Take this opportunity to develop good habits and a positive mindset.
Regular exercise and a healthy diet helps to ensure a balanced lifestyle and maintain stress levels.
2. Get enough rest
Set your alarm every day to ensure a regular sleep schedule.
Try not to sleep late on a school night, which will cause you to feel tired the day after.
According to this guide, children aged 6 – 12 years should sleep 9 – 12 hours a day while teenagers aged 13 – 18 years should sleep 8 – 10 hours a day on a regular basis.
3. Create a study plan
It is best to start drawing up a plan to allocate ample time for studying and breaks.
Draw or print out a calendar for each month.
On the dates, write down the subjects you want to revise. You can paste this calendar on the wall of your room or file it in a folder.
This will help to keep you organised for study sessions and develop a steady routine throughout the term.
4. Set goals
Review projects and tests that will be coming your way. Afterwards, list down a set of goals to be completed and prioritise them according to urgency and importance.
This helps to get your mind focused on school-related tasks and keep you motivated to achieve them!
Writing down your goals and its due date also helps to visualise your tasks and prevent you from being overwhelmed.
5. Find or create a conducive study space
As you regain your momentum in school, you may want to scout for excellent study spots to revise at.
From libraries to Community Centres, there are many places you can consider. If you prefer studying at home, make sure your desk is free from clutter and distraction.
This helps you focus while you attempt your ten-year-series and Mock Papers. Speaking of which, check out this link for a list of mock papers!