Introduced in 2024, the MENDAKI – MICRON scholarship intends to reward deserving Malay/Muslim students who…
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The MENDAKI Talent Scholarship (University) is looking for talented, young Malay/Muslim students with…
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Skim Bantuan Sekolah ETF (ETF-SAS), suatu subsidi pendidikan sekali sahaja, diperkenalkan khas buat pelajar Melayu…
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Introduced in June 2023, the bursary supports deserving Malay/Muslim students, prioritising those from financially disadvantaged families, enrolled in Institute of Technical Education (ITE) and Polytechnics.
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MMPG memberi bantuan kepada keluarga berpendapatan rendah yang mempunyai anak di bawah 6 tahun di prasekolah…
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The Harun Ghani Education Fund (HGEF) was set up in 2005 to honour the late Mr Harun Ghani’s contributions to prevent drug abuse and rehabilitate drug offenders in Singapore.
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MMPG is targeted to low-income families with children below 6 years old who are enrolled in preschool…
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