
   >   Programmes   >   #amPowered

#amPowered is a structured mentoring programme for Malay/Muslim youth aged between 15 and 18 years old to help them discover their strengths and maximise their potential.

The #amPowered mentoring programme aims to equip youth to:

  1. remain in school, progress to the next level and graduate from school;
  2. be goal oriented and aware of education and career pathways; and
  3. establish strong network and be well-connected

MENDAKI oversees the following #amPowered programmes:

  • #amPowered@MTS
    For Secondary 3 – 5 students enrolled into MENDAKI Tuition Scheme (MTS)
  • #amPowered@M3Towns
    For Secondary 3 – 5 students residing in the 11 M3Towns and not enrolled into MTS
  • #amPowered@ITE
    For Year 1 Malay/Muslim NITEC students across the three ITE Colleges

Core Mentoring Curriculum

  • Understanding gifts and strengths
  • Goal Setting
  • Understanding education and career pathways

The mentoring curriculum aims to complement the education and career guidance (ECG) support offered in school. Mentor’s role is to offer guidance and help to breakdown the goals to help youths achieve their education and career aspirations.


The Gift of Mentoring: A Guide for Mentors

‘The Gift of Mentoring: A Guide for Mentors’ is a comprehensive manual produced by Youth Mentoring Office to guide mentors in their mentoring journey. The manual complements the Gift-Centred Mentoring (GCM) training that mentors undergo before deployment. It aims to aid mentors in better understanding the GCM philosophy through exciting infographics and videos, support them in rapport building with mentees and share available resources that mentors can tap on to guide better and support their mentees.

Download The Gift of Mentoring A Guide for Mentors


What You Can Do?

If you’re aged between 18 to 60 years old, come join us as a mentor to help unlock the potential in our youth!

Click here to register!

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