
   >   Programmes   >   “Future of…” Series

“Future of…” Series

A series of interactive sessions where students engage industry leaders to gain first-hand industry insights, changes to the work and economic landscape, and the necessary technical and 21st-century skills to thrive in the future economy.

Stay tuned for upcoming FOS workshops in 2023!

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#amPowered is a structured mentoring programme for Malay/Muslim youth..

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Next Stop Seminar

An annual platform for post-secondary and tertiary students to hear from professionals…

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Student Network

MENDAKI’s Student Network is open to all Malay/Muslim students from the various Institutes…

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Professional Networks

There are engagements planned for the professionals throughout the year. Professionals are able to learn…

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Women At Work (W@W)

Women At Work (W@W) is an enhanced “back-to-work women” programme that facilitates and supports Malay/Muslim women to Restart, Rebuild and Re-integrate (3Rs) into the workforce after a career break.

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